Paper presentation of CRiFC at the 69th ICA conference in Washington D.C.

With its paper “Integrated Financial Communication. Insights on the coordination and integration among investor relations and public relations departments of listed corporations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland”Strategic Investor Relations Management: Insights on planning and evaluation practices among German Prime Standard Corporations” the team of the Center for Research in Financial Communication was contributing to the 69th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA) which took place from May 25 – 28, 2019 in Washington D.C., USA. With more than 4,500 members from more than 80 countries, the ICA is the leading organization for communiation science. The study deals with the cooperation and coordination between investor relations and corporate communications with regards to financial communication. The study focuses on how closely and through which instruments the coordination is implemented as well as the importance of shared goals. It provides further insights into what both functions know about each other, where conflicts arise, and how they can be resolved. The full study is available here.