CRiFC at the DIRK conference 2018

The Center for Research in Financial Communication was represented at the 21st conference of the DIRK – German Investor Relations Association with two presentations. For the first time, it provided insights into two completed research projects. The competence center’s statistics programs have not been standing still for long, as the CRiFC has already provided initial insights into the results of the cooperation study with MPM Corporate Communication Solutions on cross-media annual reports. On the side of Philipp Mann, Managing Partner of MPM, the Center for Research in Financial Communication presented for the first time empirical findings on the utilization needs of investors and analysts in relation to the annual report. In-depth results will also be presented at the MPM Corporate Reporting Conference on June 21, 2018 in Frankfurt am Main. The second premiere of the day was the presentation of the findings from the research project “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations – How digital is Investor Relations in Germany?”. The study in cooperation with DIRK, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Deutsche Telekom, innogy and SAP shows how investor relations departments are shaping the digital transformation. Among other things, the requirements, challenges and success factors of digital investor relations were analyzed. In addition, it was ascertained which digital instruments are used in which intensity. From this, the state of the art of the digital IR landscape in Germany could be derived and four different types could be identified in dealing with digitalization in the IR area. Key insights can be found here. The full study is available here (only in german). The Center for Research for Financial Communication thanks the DIRK for a successful conference and the interested audience for the exciting discussions and further suggestions