Start of the research project “Cross media Annual Reporting”

In cooperation with MPM Corporate Communication Solutions and the market research institute IMR Frankfurt, the Center for Research in Financial Communication has launched the new research project “Cross media Annual Reporting”. The study aims to gain empirical insights into the goals of the companies and the user needs of the target groups regarding annual reports. In a first step, listed companies were asked about their goals and target groups in the reporting process. Currently, in-depth expert discussions and telephone interviews with analysts and institutional investors are conducted. On this basis, the specific needs are collected in a quantitative analysis. First results will be presented at the DIRK conference on June 4-5, 2018. In-depth results will be presented at the MPM Corporate Reporting Conference on June 21, 2018 in Frankfurt am Main. The study is part of the Center for Research in Financial Communication’s research focus “Reporting”. If you have any questions or are interested in the study, please contact us at