Call for Applications for the “Center for Corporate Reporting Promotion Scholarship for Financial Communication”

A scholarship for doctoral studies in the research field of Communication Management/Financial Communication is now available at the Center for Research in Financial Communication. Qualified applicants are invited to apply.

Applicants must have completed or be about to complete a degree in Communication Science or Business Administration (Master’s, Magister, Diploma), or a comparable program. Good knowledge in the field of Communication Management/PR, fluency in English both spoken and written, as well as experience in project management are required. The scholarship is limited to a duration of three years.

The scholarship recipient will have the opportunity to establish personal contacts with leaders in academia and industry, shape research activities in collaboration with the CCR, and contribute to journal publications. This offers excellent prospects for future career paths in academia (universities, colleges) or in the field of Communication Management/Financial Communication.

For more information, please refer to the call for applications here. For organizational or content-related inquiries, please feel free to contact Professor Hoffmann via mail.