Two articles on research projects in The Reporting Times: “An Overview: Studies on Corporate Reporting” & “CFO: Strategist, Sparring Partner, Advisor”

In the 11th edition of The Reporting Times, two articles on research projects in the context of the Center for Research in Financial Communication have been published. “An overview: Studies on Corporate Reporting” presents the results of a recent study by the CRiFC in cooperation with the network partner CCR on the rankings, analyzes and studies in the field of reporting. Overall, a dynamic, growing field of research is emerging that is heavily influenced by commercial interests. For the period 2014 to 2017 alone, 48 studies and analyzes of annual reports in the DACH area could be identified. Under the title “CFO: Strategist, Sparring Partner, Advisor” you will find the results of a study by Sebastian Keßler on the communicative job profile of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Based on expert interviews and a literature review, it is shown that the CFO plays a key role in financial communication as part of its dual role as a leader and as a communicator. The complete articles are available here