August 9, 2023

Article on Generation Share in prmagazin

The August issue of prmagazin contains an article on the study “Capital Market Communication for the Share Generation”.

June 26, 2018

Guest article “Strategic Planning and Priorities in Financial Communication” in Going Public magazine

The June issue of the capital market magazine Going Public features a guest article by Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann and Sandra Tietz on “Strategic Planning and Priorities in Financial Communication”.

June 2, 2018

Guest article “How digital is Investor Relations in Germany?” in Börsen-Zeitung

A guest contribution by the Center for Research in Financial Communication was published in the special supplement Investor Relations of the Börsen-Zeitung on the occasion of the 21st DIRK conference on 02.06.2018.

May 28, 2018

Paper presentation of CRiFC at the 68th ICA conference in Prague

With its paper “Strategic Investor Relations Management: Insights on planning and evaluation practices among German Prime Standard Corporations” the team of the Center for Research in Financial Communication was contributing to the 68th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA) which took place from May 24 – 28, 2018 in Prague.

May 1, 2018

Article on research project “Strategies in Financial Communication and Investor Relations” in The Reporting Times

In the 12th edition of The Reporting Times, an article on a current research project of the Center for Research in Financial Communication has been published.

November 6, 2017

Two articles on research projects in The Reporting Times: “An Overview: Studies on Corporate Reporting” & “CFO: Strategist, Sparring Partner, Advisor”

In the 11th edition of The Reporting Times, two articles on research projects in the context of the Center for Research in Financial Communication have been published.