Presentation of study “Cross media Annual Reporting” at MPM Corporate Reporting Conference

At the MPM Corporate Reporting Conference on June 21, 2018 in Frankfurt am Main, Prof. Dr.  Christian Hoffmann and Sandra Tietz presented the detailed results of the joint study “Cross media Annual Reporting” with MPM Media Process Management GmbH. The aim of the study is to define the requirements for cross-media reporting and to gain well-grounded empirical insights into the goals of the companies and the utilization needs of the target group capital market participants. How do companies choose report portfolios, content and formats – and does this also meet the needs of the target groups? The study partners examine the reporting perspectives of both the sender and the recipient alike: In a first step, publishing companies were asked about their goals and target groups in the reporting process. The perspectives of analysts and investors were determined through in-depth expert discussions and telephone interviews. The full results will be published in autumn.