The team of the Center for Research in Financial Communication is growing

Lea Knabben starts as a new PhD candidate, supported by the “Center for Corporate Reporting” scholarship for Financial Communication; Lena Biberacher and Maximilian Van Poele support the team as research assistants. Since September 2018, Lea Knabben works as a Research Associate and PhD candidate at the Chair of Communication Management. She holds a PhD scholarship for Financial Communication from the Center for Corporate Reporting and works for the Center of Research in Financial Communication. From 2016 to 2018, she was a working student for innovation and market research for major automobile manufacturers in Germany and wrote her master thesis at Porsche AG on the topic of innovation communication. Since November 2018, Lena Biberacher and Maximilian Van Poele support the Chair of Communication Management as research assistants and are involved in various research projects of the Center for Research in Financial Communication. Both are students of the master program Communication Management at the University of Leipzig.