Workshop at DPRG Financial Communication Working Group

At the DPRG Financial Communication Working Group meeting on July 5, 2018 in Leverkusen, Sandra Tietz gave an insight into the current research on the triangular relationship of the Supervisory Board, Management Board and Communications Department. Basically, the communication department is bound to the management board, but the supervisory board also has an information need when it comes to the perception and reputation of the company. In some cases, the supervisory board even needs a recommendation whether it should react to inquiries from stakeholders or make a public statement. At the same time, however, the management board is the prime representative of the company. This triangular relationship holds conflict potential. What role can and should the communication department play in this? What does the reality in the company look like: trusting together or sitting between chairs? These questions were discussed with the present company speakers and experiences from everyday life were exchanged.