Guest article “How digital is Investor Relations in Germany?” in Börsen-Zeitung

A guest contribution by the Center for Research in Financial Communication was published in the special supplement Investor Relations of the Börsen-Zeitung on the occasion of the 21st DIRK conference on 02.06.2018. The central findings of the current study “Digital Leadership – How digital is Investor Relations in Germany?” are presented in the article. The research project in cooperation with the DIRK – German Investor Relations Association as well as the Deutsche Post DHL Group, Deutsche Telekom, innogy and SAP shows how – and how differently – investor relations departments are shaping the digital transformation. Among other things, the requirements, challenges and trends of digital investor relations were analyzed. In addition, it was ascertained which digital instruments are used in which intensity. Furthermore, the state of the art of the digital IR landscape in Germany could be derived and four different IR digitization types could be identified. The guest article is available here. More information about the study are available here.