June 5, 2018

“Digital Leadership in Investor Relations” – CRiFC publishes new study in cooperation with DIRK

In cooperation with DIRK – German Investor Relations Association, the Center for Research in Financial Communication publishes the results of the study “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations – How digital is investor relations in Germany” – a broad based empirical study of listed companies in Germany.

November 6, 2017

Two articles on research projects in The Reporting Times: “An Overview: Studies on Corporate Reporting” & “CFO: Strategist, Sparring Partner, Advisor”

In the 11th edition of The Reporting Times, two articles on research projects in the context of the Center for Research in Financial Communication have been published.

July 25, 2017

New research publication: “Shielding or engaging: the use of online shareholder platforms in investor relations”

The renowned publication Corporate Communications: An International Journal has published a paper on the use of online shareholder platforms in investor relations by the Center for Research in Financial Communication. The purpose of this paper is to analyze antecedents of listed corporations’ propensity to adopt online shareholder platforms.