“Digital Leadership in Investor Relations” – CRiFC publishes new study in cooperation with DIRK

In cooperation with DIRK – German Investor Relations Association, the Center for Research in Financial Communication publishes the results of the study “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations – How digital is investor relations in Germany” – a broad based empirical study of listed companies in Germany. In cooperation with Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom, innogy und SAP, the research project shows how – and how different – listed German companies deal with the digital transformation. Among other things, the requirements, challenges and trends of digital investor relations were analyzed. In addition, it was ascertained which digital instruments are used in which intensity. Furthermore, the state of the art of the digital IR landscape in Germany could be derived and four different digitization types in IR could be identified. Derived success factors guide IR managers through the digitization jungle The key findings of the study are summarized here. The full study is available here (only in German).