June 13, 2023

Guest article in PR-Magazin “Who sets the tone? CEO and CFO in capital market communication”

In the November issue of the PR-Magazin a guest article on the study “CEO and CFO in capital market communication” has been published.

June 13, 2023

Publication of study “Online Report Perspectives 2020”

The study “Online Report Perspectives 2020” analyzes the development of digital reporting by the 50 largest German and Swiss companies. The study has been conducted since 2015 and was completely revised in 2020 in cooperation with NeidhartSchön, berichtsmanufaktur, hw.design and KPMG Germany in order to gear the content of the study to current challenges in online reporting.

June 13, 2023

Announcement of the “Hering Schuppener PhD scholarship for capital market communication”

The Center for Research in Financial Communication now offers a PhD sholarship in the research area of capital market communication. Qualified applicants are invited to apply.

June 13, 2023

Second round for the Corporate Reporting Monitor

The Corporate Reporting Monitor 2020 is based on a survey of the largest Swiss, German and Austrian companies. The 2020 survey was supplemented for the first time by a survey of proven experts from the DACH region to make their knowledge and trend assessments accessible. Each year, the study focuses on a specific topic. In 2020, the focus is on sustainability reporting.

June 13, 2023

Publication of brief study: “Relevance of sustainability in the equity story of DAX and MDAX companies”

The brief study examines the question of the extent, depth of content and form of sustainability in the equity story communicated on the IR websites of DAX and MDAX companies.

June 13, 2023

Article in Controlling & Management Review

An article on the study “CEO and CFO in capital market communication” has been published in the current issue of the specialist magazine Controlling & Management Review.

June 13, 2023

Publication of the DIRK-Forschungsreihe “Roles in the Professional Field of Investor Relations

Jeannine Mühlbrecht’s master’s thesis on roles in the professional field of investor relations has been published as part of the DIRK-Forschungsreihe. The study shows which roles have been assumed by IR managers to date and where there is potential for expansion in order to advance the professionalization of the field.

June 13, 2023

Prof. Olaf Streuer joins academic network of CRiFC

The Center for Research in Financial Communication welcomes Prof. Olaf Streuer as a new member of its academic network. Together with the academic partners from different research areas, knowledge building and exchange in the emerging research field of financial communication and investor relations will be supported.

June 13, 2023

Prof. Nadine Strauss joins academic network of CRiFC

The Center for Research in Financial Communication welcomes Prof. Nadine Strauss as a new member of its academic network. Together with the academic partners from different research areas, knowledge building and exchange in the emerging research field of financial communication and investor relations will be supported.

June 12, 2023

Study on integrated financial communications published in Public Relations Review

The CRiFC study on integrated financial communications has now also been published in English in the journal “Public Relations Review”.