June 18, 2023

Workshop “Monetary Policy, Financial Crises & Political Instability” from September 5-7, 2018

From September 5-7, 2018, the Hayek Summer Workshop provides an opportunity to selected students of economics and neighboring disciplines to discuss causes, consequences, and remedies of the current low-growth and high debt environment. In this context, Prof. Christian P. Hoffmann will hold a workshop.

June 18, 2023

Workshop at DPRG Financial Communication Working Group

At the DPRG Financial Communication Working Group meeting on July 5, 2018 in Leverkusen, Sandra Tietz gave an insight into the current research on the triangular relationship of the Supervisory Board, Management Board and Communications Department.

June 18, 2023

Joint doctoral colloquium from CRiFC and HHL under the topic “Research on Reporting, Communication and Perception at the Capital Market

On August 16-17, 2018, a joint doctoral colloquium with the Center for Research in Financial Communication and the Chair of Accounting, Auditing and Controlling at HHL was held as part of the fourth RIC conference.

June 18, 2023

Guest article “Analog or digital? Investor Relations in Germany” in Reporting Times

In the 13th edition of The Reporting Times, an guest article on the research project “Digital Leasdership in Investor Relations” of the Center for Research in Financial Communication has been published.

June 18, 2023

Three book articles in international publications

Three book articles by the Center for Research in Financial Communication in the area of financial communication and investor relations have appeared in international publications in recent months.

June 18, 2023

Paper presentation at ECREA Conference, Lugano

With its paper “Establishing a dialogue between the supervisory board and investors: Empirical insights” the team of the Center for Research in Financial Communication was contributing to the 7th Conference of European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) which took place from October 31 to November 03, 2018 in Lugano.

June 18, 2023

The team of the Center for Research in Financial Communication is growing

Lea Knabben starts as a new PhD candidate, supported by the “Center for Corporate Reporting” scholarship for Financial Communication; Lena Biberacher and Maximilian Van Poele support the team as research assistants.

June 18, 2023

Studies “Investors and Supervisory Board in dialogue” and “Stakeholder communication in CEO letters” published

The study “Investors and Supervisory Board in dialogue” in cooperation with the DIRK describes the status quo of the dialogue between investors and supervisory boards.

June 18, 2023

Guest article in PR Magazin

In the January edition of PR Magazin, the results of the study “Integrated Financial Communication” were published in the guest article “Two voices – one goal? How do investor relations and corporate communications cooperate in financial communication?”

June 18, 2023

Presentation on “Digital IR trends 2019”

As part of the DIRK workshop “Digital IR trends 2019” on 24 January 2019, Sandra Tietz discussed the results of the study “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations – How digital is Investor Relations in Germany?” with investor relations departments.