June 12, 2023

Publication of brief study: Academic education of Investor Relations Officer

In research and practice, the investor relations function is characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity. Despite the high professional demands placed on investor relations managers, there are still no relevant academic training programs in Germany.

June 12, 2023

Publication of brief study: “Declarations of conformity 2020/2021 with the Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex”

The Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex (DCGK) contains recommendations on good corporate governance. Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) requires listed German companies to make an annual public declaration on the recommendations of the DCGK: the so-called declarations of conformity. In these declarations, companies must publish which recommendations they have complied with in the reporting year (comply) and which they have not (explain), in accordance with the comply-or-explain principle.

June 12, 2023

Publication and workshop on “Online Reporting Perspectives”

The study “Online Reporting Perspectives” is the longest continuously conducted analysis of online reporting in Germany and Switzerland. Since 2016, it has examined developments and trends in online reporting of the largest listed companies in both countries on an annual basis.

June 12, 2023

The Instagram communication of neo-brokers

Publication of CRiFC brief study: The Instagram communication of neo-brokers A new generation of app-based brokerage providers, so-called “neo-brokers,” are also targeting young retail investors in particular. However, the low financial literacy of the young population is one of the biggest barriers to their financial market participation. Therefore, this short study investigates: How do neo-brokers address […]

June 12, 2023

Capital market communication for the new “Generation Share”

In cooperation with Deutsche Aktieninstitut and DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband, the Center for Research in Financial Communication publishes its study “Capital market communication for the new “Generation Share” – An empirical study of the requirements of young private investors in the communication of stock corporations and financial service providers” – a broad-based empirical study in Germany.

June 11, 2023

New CRIFC brief study: The virtual AGM before and during the Covid 19 pandemic

Although holding (partially) virtual or hybrid Annual General Meetings would have been possible even before the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, only a few companies took advantage of this option. This changed when, due to emergency legislation (“Covid-19 Act”), it was only possible to hold the Annual General Meeting in virtual format from March 2020.

June 26, 2018

Guest article “Strategic Planning and Priorities in Financial Communication” in Going Public magazine

The June issue of the capital market magazine Going Public features a guest article by Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann and Sandra Tietz on “Strategic Planning and Priorities in Financial Communication”.

June 21, 2018

Presentation of study “Cross media Annual Reporting” at MPM Corporate Reporting Conference

At the MPM Corporate Reporting Conference on June 21, 2018 in Frankfurt am Main, Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann and Sandra Tietz presented the detailed results of the joint study “Cross media Annual Reporting” with MPM Media Process Management GmbH.

June 14, 2018

Session at Geschäftsberichte-Symposium

As part of the Geschäftsberichte-Symposium of the network partner CCR on 14 June 2018 in Zurich, Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann and Jennifer Moore-Braun (BASF) discussed the target group orientation in integrated reporting.

June 6, 2018

CRiFC at the DIRK conference 2018

The Center for Research in Financial Communication was represented at the 21st conference of the DIRK – German Investor Relations Association with two presentations. For the first time, it provided insights into two completed research projects.