June 5, 2018

“Digital Leadership in Investor Relations” – CRiFC publishes new study in cooperation with DIRK

In cooperation with DIRK – German Investor Relations Association, the Center for Research in Financial Communication publishes the results of the study “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations – How digital is investor relations in Germany” – a broad based empirical study of listed companies in Germany.

June 2, 2018

Guest article “How digital is Investor Relations in Germany?” in Börsen-Zeitung

A guest contribution by the Center for Research in Financial Communication was published in the special supplement Investor Relations of the Börsen-Zeitung on the occasion of the 21st DIRK conference on 02.06.2018.

May 28, 2018

Paper presentation of CRiFC at the 68th ICA conference in Prague

With its paper “Strategic Investor Relations Management: Insights on planning and evaluation practices among German Prime Standard Corporations” the team of the Center for Research in Financial Communication was contributing to the 68th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA) which took place from May 24 – 28, 2018 in Prague.

May 1, 2018

Article on research project “Strategies in Financial Communication and Investor Relations” in The Reporting Times

In the 12th edition of The Reporting Times, an article on a current research project of the Center for Research in Financial Communication has been published.

April 26, 2018

Start of the research project “Cross media Annual Reporting”

In cooperation with MPM Corporate Communication Solutions and the market research institute IMR Frankfurt, the Center for Research in Financial Communication has launched the new research project “Cross media Annual Reporting”.

April 4, 2018

Start of the research project “Integrated Financial Communication”

The Center for Research in Financial Communication has launched its new research project “Integrated Financial Communication”. The study aims to identity and systematize the cooperation and coordination of the Corporate Communications and Investor Relations functions regarding capital markets topics as well as elaborate on best practices and recommendations. In the coming months, decision makers in Investor Relations and Corporate Communications of German stock corporations will be able to participate.

March 21, 2018

Call for Applications for the “Center for Corporate Reporting Promotion Scholarship for Financial Communication”

A scholarship for doctoral studies in the research field of Communication Management/Financial Communication is now available at the Center for Research in Financial Communication. Qualified applicants are invited to apply.

February 23, 2018

Presentation on “Strategies in Investor Relations and Financial Communications”

As part of the DIRK general meeting on 23 February 2018 in Düsseldorf, Prof. Christian Hoffmann presented the results of the CRiFC study “Strategies in Investor Relations and Financial Communications” – a broad empirical study among companies listed in the Prime Standard.

February 23, 2018

CRiFC publishes study on “Strategies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication”

With the study “Strategies of Investor Relations and Financial Communication”, the Center for Research in Financial Communication publishes the results of a broad empirical study among companies listed in the Prime Standard.

January 26, 2018

Presentation on “Digital IR trends 2018”

As part of the DIRK workshop “Digital IR trends 2018” on 25 January 2018, Sandra Tietz gave a first insights into the research project “Digital Leadership in Investor Relations”.